
Hi, I’m


Years ago, I rewrote a landing page.

I had no copywriting training. No real experience. The only thing I did have was a “knack” for putting myself in the shoes of people in vastly different circumstances. It took three days to write.

The page ended up pulling around 1% better than the previous page, and saved the company $92,424 a year.

I was hooked.

It astounded me (and still does) that changing a percentage point in one part of the marketing equation could have more impact than a full-time salesman. And as time went on, I realized that every change in different parts of the funnel wasn’t additive - it was exponential.

Since then, I’ve dedicated my professional life to finding and exploiting these opportunities to help companies grow. Constant experimentation, study, and having the luck to work in dozens of different fields, from cloud storage to probiotics, have helped me achieve some rather extraordinary results.

Just a few: I turned a user-base of 8,000 into one of 2,500,000 in under 12 months with comprehensive analysis and optimization. I rocketed the conversion rate of a B2B website by 854%, bringing millions of dollars of new revenue a year. I’ve built automated email drip sequences with 46% open rates and tens of thousands of dollars of back-end sales.

I believe only in working with people I can bring tremendous value to, and I’m proud that, thus far, I’ve established strong, measurable ROI for every major partner I’ve worked with.


How can I help?

A consultation is free—and it might just
help you hit your numbers.